Draw & Tell Visits the Farm

duck duck mooseWell, actually the Draw & Tell app came after the farm visit!

The kindergarteners took their annual trip to the farm and I wanted them to share something about the visit. When they came to the lab, I asked them to open Draw & Tell. This is a kid-friendly app that allows children to do just what the name says: draw a picture and tell about it by recording their voice.

I honestly did not know if the students would be able to complete their drawing, record, and save to the camera roll within our short 30 minute time period! But they did! We had 3 adults per class – teachers, assistants, and myself – and those extra hands made all the difference. But credit certainly goes to the kindergarteners who quickly learned what to do. (And kudos to Duck Duck Moose for a superb app!)

After the children left the lab, I air dropped the screen casts to my iPad so that all could be combined into class videos using the iMovie app.


Mrs. Moore’s Class

Mrs. Newton’s Class

Mrs. Rea’s Class

In addition to making a creation to share with parents, the teachers were able to see the power of this app. They are excited to find more ways to use it within their classrooms.


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